Since 1997 when we went to India, we have sent out newsletters to keep people informed about what we are doing, which we called our 'Epistles'. The last we sent was number thirty seven! As we embark on a new adventure, we felt that it was appropriate to upgrade - so welcome to our new look e-pistle!

Monday 20 June 2016

Winter and Spring 2016

Christmas saw us making a second trip to Karakol, a small town at the western end of Lake Issuk-kul, for a wonderful week of skiing. We had a lot of other fun in the snow throughout the Winter until Spring came early and warm in the last week of February.


                                                     Mid-winter view from our flat.

                                                      Rosie learnt to snowboard.
Felix and Rosie with the Hope Academy crowd.
 Felix's jumps got bigger!
In March we celebrated Jim's birthday with a walk and picnic on Turtle Mountain, it was a beautiful warm day with gorgeous views:

An then we had a great visit from Tim, Jane's brother-in-law and one of Jim's oldest friends which saw them exploring markets and mountains.
May saw us back at Issyk-Kul taking part in the Run The Silk Road 5th Marathon running event. Jim ran a half marathon while the rest of us did 5kms. It was a wonderful weekend.

   At the end of term the Grade 3 teachers celebrated with 'I will Survive' at the staff party...

and Felix and Rosie ran hard at Sports Day.
And finally, Jane headed to the mountains with 3 friends for a weekend horse trek. It was a wonderful experience being immersed in rural Kyrgyz life but she was saddle sore!

And now we are looking forward to our Summer 2016 UK trip...

Sunday 29 November 2015

Summer and Autumn 2015

Thanks to all of you who helped make our month in the UK, back in July and early August, such good fun and so refreshing. We loved our time camping in North Devon, despite the wild wind and rain:

As always we loved our beach times and sea swimming, although the temperatures in the water were a lot more enjoyable by the end of the time than the beginning!

Since returning to Bishkek we have plunged back into the routines of life... 

Rosie celebrated her 11th birthday...

we went back to school for the first day of autumn term 2015: Jane's first day teaching, Rosie's first day in Middle School, and Felix's first day in High School!

We have enjoyed some friends visiting (here we are proudly showing off the sights of Bishkek on a wheeled pedalo!)...

Jim and Felix have had a long weekend in the mountains as part of a school trip...

and Jim has had a few fantastic evening cycles in the mountains.

Now we are looking forward to winter... and Christmas!

Thursday 4 June 2015

Spring Highlights.

We have had a fun and busy school term. It has been Rosie's last year in Elementary and Felix's last year in Middle School. Here are some of the highlights of the things we have done recently:

In early May we went for a picnic in the poppies.
Grade five had a water fight party with water games and snacks to celebrate the move up to middle school!
Felix and his class attended a dinner, with parents and teachers, to celebrate graduation from Middle School into High School.
Last Saturday we took to the mountains with visiting friends and were stunned by the orange wild poppies and other spring flowers.

Felix has just taken up photography with a super camera bought from a friend so had plenty of opportunity to try it out.
And now we are in to the summer holidays, enjoying the slower starts in the morning, various sports activities and the abundance of strawberries, apricots and cherries at this time of year.

Wednesday 25 March 2015

World of Winter

The winter has somehow flown by, so here are a few words and pictures to bring you up to date with our fast-growing children, purple hair and all!

In December we headed east for 6 hours by car for our first ever family skiing holiday at Karakol. We had a wonderful time with great weather and skiing conditions and lot of fun with many friends from Bishkek. It was wonderfully refreshing.

Felix in action on his snowboard!

In January and February we worked hard in the week and skied and snowboarded when the conditions were right at the weekend. Colleagues visited, Rosie continued her skating lessons and Felix featured as the Red Knight in" Alice in Wonderland", with purple hair to match!


In March, Jane spent a night away with a group of friends at a guest house in a village a few hours from Bishkek. It was a very fun time indeed and good to see more of rural life in Kyrgyzstan.
Also in March, Jim travelled to South Africa for Oasis meetings and had an inspiring time there while Jane and the children wrapped up the school term and began 'Spring Break'.Jim returned on his birthday and a national holiday called Nooruz so we celebrated both by going to watch the National Horse Games at the near by Hippodrome. This is a bit like the combination of a bullfight, a rodeo and a was a lot of fun to watch!


Now Jane and the children are enjoying a week off from the usual school routine with sleepovers, a trip to a Kyrgyz music concert (Jim and Jane), slower starts in the morning and some shoe shopping at our favourite market! Spring has sprung for weeks at a time throughout February and March but is still interspersed with colder, snowy weather and we expect more on Sunday.
We post this with Easter just around the corner and wish you a season of Hope and Life in all its fullness. 

Wednesday 26 November 2014

Autumn Life

We have had a busy three months but unfortunately have not been able to blog! In order to fill you in, here are some of the things we have been up to:

In September Jim and Felix headed for a night in the mountains on a ‘Dads and Lads’ trip at mountain hut just below a glacier. They set off in shorts and had snow as they arrived at the hut and had the excitement of seeing ibex (mountain sheep) from a distance.

We also ran Bishkek’s first 5km Fun Run and really enjoyed ourselves with a crowd of about 200 people, mainly Kyrgyz students. Felix was the fastest in the family...

In October we welcomed nine Oasis colleagues from other countries where Oasis works for meetings and loved showing them around despite the unusual amount of rain and lack of mountain views (many of them now think that Kyrgyzstan is flat and wet!) It was great fun to have them here and especially to have a couple of African’s with us (including Armando who leads Oasis in Mozambique!)

We then had the surprise news that our land lady wanted her flat back for some family members. Within two weeks we found a good apartment not too far away and moved  in a week later.  It is the middle of three tower blocks built in 1985 known in Kyrgyz as “Ooch Kadook”, meaning “The Three Towers”. We are now on the top (7th) floor (with a good lift), enjoying a mountain view on the clear days and slowly meeting new neighbours. We are already feeling at home, although the whole process has been pretty unsettling.

In November  we have seen the dramatic change of autumn into winter with heavy snow falling this week. Thankfully our new flat is as warm as the old one and smaller, so pretty cosy.  One of the reasons we wanted to be in an older-style flat was because it gives us more confidence about withstanding earthquakes. Last week there was a tremor at breakfast time which was met with concern by Jane but excitement from Rosie who said “ At last, one I have actually felt and am old enough to remember!”

In terms of Oasis, Jane has been teaching a fortnightly cookery course throughout the autumn, talking about nutrition and making pies, breakfasts, sauces and sandwiches with a small group of young people. Of course the eating is the highlight, but they do get really involved, ask good questions, are great choppers and good fun to be with. And recently, Oasis threw an Autumn Party at the Youth Centre to celebrate a year of it being open which was much enjoyed by about 30 young people. In the meantime we see them growing and learning new skills through work or study as they continue to find their way in the world outside institutional life. 

Jim has spent a lot of time on trying to raise funds for Oasis; frustratingly, although many funders see that this is important work with a vulnerable group of young people, it is nevertheless beyond the scope of their funding remit, and we are facing some challenging times and decisions.

December now approaches and on Friday we are having a house warming / mulled wine and mince pie party and are all very much looking forward to it.

For anyone wanting to send a Christmas card, you can send it to the Oasis post box at:
Jim Currell, Country Director, OBF Oasis Kyrgyzstan, Central Post Office, PO Box 2030, Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic, 720000

Monday 25 August 2014

Link to film

Unfortunately the film clip in yesterday's bolt did not work. The following link will get you there:

Sunday 24 August 2014

An English Summer

After a few wonderful weeks in England, we have settled back into life in Bishkek and tomorrow is the children's first day back at school so normal routines will resume. Jim has had a good start back at the office and we have all had fun getting to grips with iMovies! Here is an overview/trailer of the great time we had in the UK this summer. It was great to see so many of you and to catch up.  

We hope that you enjoy the rest of your summer and have a great August bank holiday. We will be celebrating Independence Day.